Healthcare Facilities Physician Working with Weatherby

Weatherby Healthcare Reviews

Weatherby Healthcare Reviews

At Weatherby Healthcare, reviews from our customers are an invaluable way for us to understand what we’re doing well and what still needs improvement. We use the Net Promoter method to survey both healthcare professionals who work with us and the facilities where they work, which helps us assess both how they’re feeling and get feedback in their own words.

In 2019, we were delighted by the awesome number of positive comments. The observations were often brief and right-to-the-point like these:

  • “Excellent service”
  • “Great communication and follow up”
  • “Providers are top quality”
  • “Easy to work with, quick to respond”
  • “Outstanding at all levels”

Some were more detailed but just as complimentary, and you’ll read examples below.

What physicians, PAs, and NPs have to say

Here is some of the more detailed feedback healthcare professionals shared.

“Absolutely perfectly done, the whole process of credentialing, and I got non-stop help during the assignment itself.” 

“My consultant was a real gentleman, always honest and straight-forward. He worked for me in arranging that the assignment not only was set up well, but, boy, did they treat me, a locums, with respect!”

“My recruiter has been so supportive and insightful in this process, and I know she is always looking out for my interests. She is a joy to work with and a big reason why I signed with Weatherby.”

“Extraordinary team! The consultant I am working with is the most dependable, extraordinary person I ever came across. She is doing an amazing job to find me the best work opportunities.”

“In my humble estimation, Weatherby sets the standard that is attempted to be duplicated by other companies that don’t have the enormous staff commitment Weatherby has.”

Improving the provider experience

We also heard that we could do better in some areas, and we’re already working to make it better.

“Some hiccups with paperwork along the way, but my consultant was excellent to work with, on top of everything. Would use Weatherby again because of her.”

“I was not happy with one earlier assignment thru no fault of my consultant but wished he had rescued me when things went sour.”

“The only reason this review is not a 10 is the credentialing process is still cumbersome for a new practice or a state license.”

“Reimbursement for expenses (e.g., fuel, licensing) was a little slow, but payroll is spot-on.”

Client feedback

Here are some of the positives shared by our healthcare facility clients.

“The quality of the doctors working with Weatherby — they are super doctors, experienced, knowledgeable, with the best bedside manners and also easy to work with the staff.”

“Weatherby has EXCELLENT response times. They are always very attentive and address any potential issues and concerns immediately. By far, my favorite firm to work with.”

“The relationship with Weatherby is very good. I feel like I can always count on Weatherby to find quality candidates, and WBY is quick to help if there are any issues.”

“Weatherby has been wonderful to deal with over the years. They provide great candidates, and they have been wonderful communicators to get their candidates through credentialing.”

“The Weatherby representative is the best professional to work with regarding locum tenens needs — he understands the dynamics and flow of an office and our needs, so it’s very easy and headache-free whenever I need his services.”

Areas of improvement

Clients have also helped us identify areas that could use improvement.

“We had a few somewhat frustrating hiccups with each of the CV surgeon locums we used (one had behavioral issues, the other didn’t seem to understand the timecard), but I didn’t hear any complaints about their competency/skills. In both situations, the Weatherby consultants were very responsive and great problem-solvers.”

“The one thing I don’t like is receiving calls from other specialty areas to see if we have a need.  It would be nice to have one go-to for an organization like mine, with a centralized recruitment/staffing function.”

“Always have good response. I think both the consultants and I are busy, so making contact is a challenge at times, but overall I’m very satisfied.”

Share your feedback

We are so grateful to all who provided feedback, including those pointing out areas in need of attention on our part as we strive to achieve the highest standards possible.

We want your feedback as well. How has your experience been working with Weatherby Healthcare? Give us a call at 954.343.3050 or leave a comment below.

About the author

Bill Heller

Bill Heller is the president of Weatherby Healthcare and has nearly 20 years of both physician and nurse staffing experience. He is known for delivering exceptional service to clients and providers and for his commitment to developing those around him.
